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2868.2 mi



goals & results


Current Activity

Stepped: 0.2 mi
Notes: Tracked 0.17 mi with Healthkit
Mar 18, 2018 Mar-18
Stepped: 2.4 mi
Notes: Tracked 2.39 mi with Healthkit
Mar 17, 2018 Mar-17
Stepped: 1.2 mi
Notes: Tracked 1.24 mi with Healthkit
Mar 16, 2018 Mar-16
Stepped: 4.5 mi
Notes: Tracked 4.49 mi with Healthkit
Mar 15, 2018 Mar-15
Stepped: 2.0 mi
Notes: Tracked 2.03 mi with Healthkit
Mar 14, 2018 Mar-14

Recent Accomplishments

Contributed 104.4 miles
Contributed 160.9 miles
Stepped 100 miles
March 17, 2018
Hi-5 Pamela K. and 2 Others
Stepped 1000 miles
February 21, 2018
Hi-5 Sarah L.
Stepped 700 miles
February 21, 2018
Hi-5 Cori T. and 2 Others
Stepped 500 miles
February 21, 2018
Hi-5 Coach Tom M. and 4 Others
Stepped 300 miles
February 21, 2018
Hi-5 Charles D. and 4 Others
Stepped 100 miles
February 21, 2018
Hi-5 Sarah L. and 4 Others
Best Result | Oct 15, 2017
Hershey Half Marathon | Half marathon
| May 6, 2018
Broad Street Run | 10 miles

Activity Graph

Personal Bests

Fastest Half Mar
October 15, 2017
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