April 29, 2024

Get to Know the Coaches - Beyond their PR's: Coach Alex

Written by Cally Macumber
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What are you up to?

I’ve been as busy as ever. I just finished up a semester of classes, an internship, and a high school track season. . . oh and Runcoach! It’s been a great chapter, and I’m ready for the next. IMG_6286

What are you reading?

I’m reading The Way Forward by Yung Pueblo and Subculture Vulture by Moshe Kasher.

What are you listening to?

Mt. Joy, Hozier, and Quinn XCII.

What are your non-running goals for 2024?

Deepening the new relationships in my life.

Ok, but what about running?

I surprised myself by jumping in a 4 miler last second and running 4:55 pace. I think next step will be planning a fall marathon and working backwards from there!

Last modified on April 29, 2024
Cally  Macumber

Cally Macumber

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